Bamboo Forest Hike

hiking the Na'ili'ili Haele Trail In MAUI

Bamboo Forest Hike + SaltWaterVibes

Chasing waterfalls may have become one of my favorite activities sense living in Hawaii. After planning a fun short trip back to Maui I knew I wanted to find some new things to do. I read about a cool waterfall in the Bamboo Forest that was mostly only viable after rainfall. It has just rained the day before so I was stoked to go try and find it!

Bamboo Forest Hike + SaltWaterVibes

The Bamboo Forest is one of the best stops on the Road to Hana becuase being surrounded by so much Bamboo is an experience unlike anything else. It is located between mile 6.5-7 so make sure you stop! For an added adventure find the opening to the trail.

Bamboo Forest Hike + SaltWaterVibes

When you come to a fork in the trial go to the LEFT. The right will take you in a circle right back to your car :) After going left you will come to this bridge. I promise it is stable! Just walk slow and admire the waterfalls surrounding.

The stream below was flowing pretty hard because it had just rained the day before. I was super happy about this becuase the waterfalls are way better after rain. However I did not realize just how muddy it would make the trail!! So be very careful and go slow. We also did not realize the rainfall was SO much the stream to the waterfalls would be almost impossible to cross unless you swam. So we opted out of making it to the fall, but I'm sure I'll be back one day :) 

Bamboo Forest Hike + SaltWaterVibes

If you make it here and the stream does not look like this and is crossable, you will see the trail head on the left hand side of this picture. Follow along the trial to the falls. There is a series of the three, but I was told the third fall can be more difficult to get to. 

Bamboo Forest Waterfall Hike On Maui + SaltWaterVibes

where do i park?

You will park on the side of the road between mile 6-7 on the Road to Hana. There are lots of pull out spaces on both shoulders and most likely other cars will be parked too, so just follow them!

how difficult is the hike?

The hike is moderately easy, except it can be muddy and slick so plant your feet and go slow! If the water level is high,  and you are not an experienced hiker, please do not attempt to across. 

how to get here


This trail head is located on the Road to Hana. It is at Mile Marker 6.5 in the Bamboo Forest. You will park on the side of the road and get to the trail head in any of the openings in the Bamboo. Once you are on the path you will continue on the trial, when you come to a fork in the trail go left. You will hear the water follow this! Continue on the trial until you have to cross the stream. 


If it has just rained this trail can be EXTREMLY muddy so watch your step and wear old shoes. Also if it was heavy rainfall the stream may only be crossable by swimming across. PLEASE be careful if you attempt this, I did not for safety reasons. Lock all valuables in the car out of sight and lock your doors. 

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