Salt Water Vibes

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Nakalele Blowhole

prepare to be blown away

I am always up for a good ole fashion adventure, and especially when it includes things like Blowholes on Maui! The Nakalele Lookout is home to the famous Nakalele Blowhole and Maui's own Heart Shaped Rock. To get to the good stuff it does require about a  .25 mile walk down the mountain. 

But I assure you, it is so worth it! Even if you just walk a little bit, getting a closer view of this landmark is well worth your time. Every spout left a lasting Rainbow, it is so magical! I walked down in my slippers so no tennis shoes are required. 

You can see the blowhole going off and waves crashing from the top of the lookout, but to see it in its entirety, and the heart rock, you will want to walk all the way down. There is not a path, but you can easily make your own. Just go slow and be aware of loose rocks. 

The Nakalele lookout is worth the stop just based on the views alone! I love Maui's Coast and find it so magical. The blues of the water and green of the mountains is a picture perfect combination and something you must see if your in Maui. 

I finally made the treck all the way down, and I was so happy I did because it was MAGICAL! The blowhole has so much force and the water really just shoots into the air, and like I said a rainbow each time just adds that much more to the moment. Please DO NOT go near the blowhole though because it can suck you in and out to sea.

Be aware of the waves crashing and how forceful they are. People have been injured and died here because a wave can knock you off your feet and out to the ocean. Use you best judgement, and if no one else is down there, you shouldn't be either! 

Be sure to check out the Heart Shaped Rock while here!

how to get here

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This is mile marker 38 on the Kahekili Highway. There is a large area for parking and then a few visible 'paths' to go down to the blowhole! You can choose any path, they will all lead the same but their is more than likely people around you can follow or team up with! The blowhole is on the left and heart rock on the right. 


Please always be aware of your surroundings and the tide. People have lost their lives here when a big wave came and swept them out to sea. Others have been sucked into the blowhole so please never stand close to it. If the water looks unsettling admire from a far. Be careful on the walk down, go slow and watch your step.

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