Change: Plastic Ocean

Creating a Wave of Change pt. 3


Welcome to part three of Plastic Oceans, Change. You can catch up on part one here + part two here. Our oceans need our help if we want to keep exploring, enjoying, and existing.

Plastic Ocean, Saving Blue, Save the Ocean, Save Big Blue, Think Disposable, Rethink Plastic, SaltWaterVibes, Getting Rid of Plastic, Ocean issues, What is wrong with our ocean, save the seas, plastic production, plastic pollution, plastic issues

By now you are well aware of the impact of Plastic on our oceans, and hopefully if you're reading this you were inspired to put those emotions into actions and make a change! There are so many ways we are hurting our oceans, but there is also so many ways we can help. 

how can i help?

Plastic Ocean, Saving Blue, Save the Ocean, Save Big Blue, Think Disposable, Rethink Plastic, SaltWaterVibes, Getting Rid of Plastic, Ocean issues, What is wrong with our ocean, save the seas, plastic production, plastic pollution, plastic issues

First things first. You personally have to take a step back and look at the plastic in your life. Are you using any single use plastic items? Things like disposable plastic plates, utensils, bags, containers, straws, razors, toothbrushes, or even water bottles? All of these items contribute to the 80% of plastic in our oceans that you read about in part one. If you see these items in your everyday life I urge you to make the change to eco-friendly options. Chances are, your everyday plastic products come in a green option too. 

pledge to stop sucking 

Plastic straws are swallowing up big blue. A strawless ocean can start with you! Take the Pledge to Stop Sucking on plastic straws. You can sign a petition here to make it official and hold yourself more accountable! Those who pre-ordered The Adventurer's Guide to Oahu got a handful of goodies from my new favorite companies like Aardvark. Aardvark changed the game with Paper Straws. Not only do they come in tons of amazing prints, quotes, colors, and sizes, they are some of the most durable straws I've used (and this is not an ad).

Start by implementing the change in your household, were almost all guilty of a plastic straw stash somewhere. Dispose of your plastic properly, and get a box of Aardvarks straws. I find them very affordable and nothing feels better than helping the environment. Put some in your glove box in your car and refuse a plastic one every time you through the drive through. It might even open the conversation to educating someone else! Same thing with restaurants, bring your own paper and ask to not be served a plastic one. If we stop asking, they will stop producing. If you want a more sustainable option there are plenty of reusable stainless steel, bamboo and glass options out there! 

find sustainable options 

Plastic Ocean, Saving Blue, Save the Ocean, Save Big Blue, Think Disposable, Rethink Plastic, SaltWaterVibes, Getting Rid of Plastic, Ocean issues, What is wrong with our ocean, save the seas, plastic production, plastic pollution, plastic issues

When I was looking for plastic in my life, I was appalled by how much I used - and most of it everyday. I started looking into eco-friendly options and could NOT believe the products. From clothes made from recycled plastic, to restaurant utensils and containers, and yes even toothbrushes, I was ecstatic. Brush with Bamboo was also one of my goodie-bag goodies. This company is so cool because EVERYTHING you receive is made from plants! Again, this is not an ad, I just really love what this company is doing and their products.

I have been using my brush for a few weeks now and absolutely love it. This is just to show you, we do not need to depend on plastic. There are so many other sustainable options that will help our oceans and planet stay healthier longer. So I chanllenge you to find something plastic in your life and see if there is a sustainble option out there. 

reach out to your favorite companies

Plastic Ocean, Saving Blue, Save the Ocean, Save Big Blue, Think Disposable, Rethink Plastic, SaltWaterVibes, Getting Rid of Plastic, Ocean issues, What is wrong with our ocean, save the seas, plastic production, plastic pollution, plastic issues

My childhood room was full of plastic bottles. Not from water - but from shampoos, lotions, perfumes, hair sprays, chapsticks, and of course make up. Plastic surrounded my life. And when I went back to clean up, I realized 1/2 of my products weren't even recyclable!! I am not here to throw any company under the bus, but we need to help promote a change. I am one of Bath and Body Works best customers, but after searching my products I realized they were one of the biggest corporates for single use plastic bottles. If we love a company or a product, then it should be our consumer right to have sustainable options available. Both business and consumers play a part in the issue so its time we make a change. 

Writing a letter to local agencies, companies, and businesses will help encourage the change of stoping plastic pollution. If we could encourage all business to use recyclable packaging or reusable sustainable products then our oceans health can change. We may not be able to reverse all the damage done, but we can stop any further damage. Feel free to make your own petitions, letters or emails to companies too! The more voices we get talking, the more ears that will listen.

Plastic Ocean, Saving Blue, Save the Ocean, Save Big Blue, Think Disposable, Rethink Plastic, SaltWaterVibes, Getting Rid of Plastic, Ocean issues, What is wrong with our ocean, save the seas, plastic production, plastic pollution, plastic issues

take the plastic free three challange

Who doesn't love a good challenge? If you are really looking to make changes then take my challenge, #PlasticFreeThree! Starting on October 23 - October 25 I will be going without single use plastic (for three days), and I want you to try the same!. This is to challenge you to see how much plastic is in your life, and how you can easily get around it! Bring reusable bags to the grocery store [They even make reusable produce bags! Find some here], replace toothbrushes, razors, straws, utensils, and water bottles with eco-friendly options. Your investment will not only make you feel better, but you'll be saving the ocean E V E R Y time you use it. Encourage those around you to join in and see how far you can make it! Post your tips, struggles, thoughts, and inspiration for others on Instagram, Instastories, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or any other Social Media using #PlasticFreeThree, I can't wait to see your posts! I'll be posting lots of tips and encouragement this week and I'll kick off the challenge with a fun blog post full of some fun freebies! By taking the challenge you are setting standard for how we should live. 

share your knowledge

image source via Youtube

image source via Youtube

The first step to implementing any change is understanding the problem. Just like in part one, Knowing, it's our job to to help people understand the issue at hand. Let people know about this series and Saving Blue. Sit down and watch a documentary on Netflix like Plastic Oceans, Mission Blue or Chasing Coral. Sign up for a petition or read further into the issue on or Education is a powerful tool and knowing the right information can make starting a conversation that much more impactful. 

Plastic Ocean, Saving Blue, Save the Ocean, Save Big Blue, Think Disposable, Rethink Plastic, SaltWaterVibes, Getting Rid of Plastic, Ocean issues, What is wrong with our ocean, save the seas, plastic production, plastic pollution, plastic issues

I hope you enjoyed our first series on Saving Blue about the Plastic Pollution in our Oceans. This topic is so near and dear to me I hope it inspired you in some way to make a change. I'll share tips for the #PlasticFreeThree on Monday and then starting next month, on November 1st Georgia Burns will make her first debut here on SaltWaterVibes! She is the best and I know you'll love her and what she has to say about our Coral Crisis! 

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